For the escorts who want to join this industry, it is good if they understand that the industry itself is not a glamorous one.
When Boston escorts enter into the industry, they will be hooked but when they realized that the job is lucrative, it will be hard for them to leave this industry.
The lessons that women who want to become escort should learn about.
Because men pay the top dollars for their business, then it is important for the girls to take up their part.
It is important to match the lingerie. When it comes to manicure, the girls should go for French, coral or nude tips.
Nails are important and men tend to notice all these things. They will not understand the black nail polish and no bright like neon and pink. Whatever you do, you have to keep everything simple and you can experiment with the red or something else.
The pink nail polished is viewed like a cheesy color and it should be reserved to little girls. The color has different variations and it will not fit every skin tone.
Colored lingerie should not be worn. The girl should have white or black. You should not think about putting together black underwear or black bra. Everything you wear has to be the perfect set.
You should not get a fake tan: this is because it stains the sheets or it stinks. It is hard to get it in the perfect manner. In case you look pale, then you should learn how you can love yourself.
When it is about the clothing, remember that it is quality but not quantity
You have to invest in the best shoes, nice trouser, one nice dress, one high waist skirt and nice trouser suit. Most clients, if they want to take you to a meeting or an event: they will want you to be in corporate attire.
The escorts have to meet different people and this includes these they will not be attracted towards. It is good for these girls to have an open mind and they should not be judging the clients based on how they will be looking. It is good to judge them based on the way they may be looking instead.
The escort should be able to ask questions his client and to give the answers when needed. The clients may be looking to talk about the marriage and cars, the cancer or the kids; it is good to be a good listener.
Read a lot
It is good if you know what takes place in the world around you. You will be meeting the chair men, CEOs and other people that lead the industry. These people will not be willing to talk about the reality TV. It is good if you understand what it is going on so that you can be able to keep up conversation at that level.
The escort will not talk names since it is not something classy.
Drug and alcohol use
If you are exposed to the alcohol or drugs, taking them when you are working is not something classy. If you have to drink, monitor how much you drink, if you have three dates every week, it will be the same as having three bottles of the champagne every week. It will not be looking good when you get drunk while being with the client.
As an escort, it is good if you train yourself when it comes to self defense. Knowledge is power and you should find all the possible information you can about a client before you decide meeting with him.